Work Package 5
Economic Value, Policies and Innovative Funding Models
- Establish a WP5 External Advisory Panel (EAP) comprised of key stakeholders who are world-leaders on regulatory-HTA-payer systems, supplemented by internationally leading clinical experts in the use of diagnostics to fight AMR, able to provide the consortium with the necessary insights to ensure that VALUE-Dx activities and outputs are meaningful for regulators, HTA bodies, payers and clinical practitioners.
- Develop new health-economic models to determine the long-term clinical, public health and economic impact of diagnostics in terms of AMR prevention with the support of HTAs reflecting the integral value of diagnostics.
- To support clinical trial development from the economic perspective and perform an economic analysis on the WP4 clinical trial results.
- Review and analyse the current policy environment in Europe and identify good practices for assessments of innovative diagnostics.
- To develop innovative frameworks to optimise assessment of the clinical and economic value of diagnostics and facilitate sustainable funding systems over the entire lifetime of the diagnostic.
- Develop and apply a proposal for a mechanism to ensure transferability of findings into other countries’ settings.
- Develop proposals for fit-for-purpose policies, to accelerate market entry of and accessibility to cost-effective diagnostics with the potential to be applied to cost effectively reduce AMR.
- Explore and define the organisational, structural, ethical and social factors influencing widespread adoption of CA-ARTI-Dx by community care organisations across European countries and develop recommendations to facilitate implementation of diagnostics in routine clinical practice.
Maarten Postma
University Medical Center Groningen