VALUE-Dx officially ends on 30 September 2024, but until that time, project partners will continue to go to all lengths to generate ground-breaking and much needed insights into the value of diagnostics to improve antimicrobial prescription. These findings will be presented in a two-day Closing Conference in Valencia on 4 and 5 September 2024.
The outcomes of VALUE-Dx will be of particular interest for a wide range of stakeholders, including policy makers, public health officials, regulators and patient organisations. VALUE-Dx partners are therefore developing a tailored conference programme to translate the major study results in recommendations, concrete conclusions and food for thought. To stimulate interaction and dialogue, the conference will offer a balanced mixture of lectures and panel discussions. The programme will be finalized in the weeks to come, but here are already some of the highlights:
- Main findings and implications for practice, policy and research of the PRUDENCE and ADEQUATE studies
- Health economics analysis and implications of the clinical trials
- Policy recommendations related to funding, pricing, and procurement to enhance the use of Point-of-Care Tests for CA-LRTI
- Reflections and insights into the possible exploitation of the study results
- Recommendations of VALUE-Dx on the role of rapid diagnostic tests for CA-LRTI
- Panel discussion on the User Requirement Specifications and the Technical Roadmap
- Interoperability of AMR data using OMOP: a Proof-of-Concept
- VALUE-Dx’s clinical algorithm for community-acquired LRTI and the way forward
The conference will end with an open panel discussion on the role of rapid diagnostics for CA-LRTI.
On-site participation in the meeting will be limited to invited delegates, but the good news is that all sessions will be livestreamed and videorecorded. A detailed programme and registration details for the livestream will be available soon. Send an email to VALUE-Dx’s project manager at if you wish to be kept in the loop.